Sunday, January 5, 2014

Lesbian Zionists from Japan...

Which is a Joke the name is a pun on the nature of their political ideology as Japanese women that are professional Manga artists and fiction and science Fiction artists and writers...

The worst aspect of what was selectively allowed in the domestic re release of Anime and Manga was the amount of censorship and also the amount of denial that went into releasing things that fit into the pro Zionist gay agenda and the other thing was racism in the social and communal gatherings like comic conventions and anime and manga conventions, it basically went belly up because of the technology that was becoming more and more available to the average fan that allowed you to avoid the rapist and hatemongers that gay and Jewish fans are.
Basically now a days it's underage sex party's and vain dull male and female bully's that are genuinely just there to bully straights as well as people that want to express themselves in the art form as individuals as opposed to mindless consumers and or also religious hypocrites as well as pedophiles and consumerists interested only out buying or creating a large social mob to destroy a person with...

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