Sunday, January 12, 2014

The City I live in is Full of sh!t..

I have lived in Berkeley Ca for more than thirty years I am thirty four and I can say that as a teenager it was pretty deficient in comparison to other city's and other parts of the country and now that they have created one of the biggest hypocritical city governments as well as a set of policy's and many of the departments that are run by the liberals that are basically crackpot gays that flip flop to stay off the street, smoking is going to be banned in apartments as well as in single family homes but marijuana will and is still decriminalized and I have been warned by the over glorified street sweepers the down town ambassadors and that was also hilarious, neon green people warning me and saying that they would call the police or write me up for smoking a cigarette in public...
I had a problem in my house with drug addicts and I also used to be a drug addict and now I am not because I have no money to abuse drugs, the other factor is that I have this weird set of rules placed on my life by Scientology cultists  running an illegal clinic were they allow and enable some people in acquiring a marijuana license (sometimes with horrible consequences as well as, at the same time punish people for not being on street drugs or being responsible (straight, mix raced, or conservative)
and even weirder they allow people to sell street drugs as a source of income that allows them to inhabit subsidized housing or as a form of "Self" medication, even registered sex offenders and minors (minors are not as bad as pedo's, but close...) all of this is coming from one of the biggest liberal criminal organizations California has ever dealt with almost as crazy as Thomas Metzger the Grand Dragon of California but on a projected polar opposition to his stance on minority's and communists, the city and county government is basically a gay Jewish the group that is out for keeping themselves off the street and allowing unsound business practices to be enacted by mob rule and in the process they isolate and eliminate people that are stable mentally sound and not criminals.
Example of the hypocrisy would be an audio recording of police that I captured after a couple days of really disruptive behavior from some of the druggy's in the house that I live in...

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