Friday, January 10, 2014

Tech paradigm

I think that right now there are maybe a couple of factors that relate to the way games are made and also why they are homogenized for a limited game-play/user pathology.
I think that say the resolution of the textures the scale of the models and the details in them and then also the environments and the way they relate to the players as a paradigm of pathology, they may doom themselves to extinction because the people at the top are really mentally limited and cannot really say contribute to a game were you would actually have to feed yourself or bathe or gather resources as a different type of character or role to support the death match that is raging on the front...
I think that the computers are headed for a 0Ghz and 0Mhz rating soon instead of the number getting bigger it will get smaller to the point that it is not actually measured the same at all based on the way mathematics works in a representative state with no integers or polarity but say something like fractions that can be related to percentages that are parts of whole integers that can also be used to represent an infinite amount of space or distance as integers from say the prime number one to the lack of definition and absence of value zero, so say when the plateau hits then there will effectively be processors that have a rating in 0 meaning that the things that we want as a function will be there instantaneously and we will be creating Personal Computer emulators within something different based on it's ability to comprehend zero and also say the infinite degrees of separation from the whole and prime number of one and all of the numbers it can represent as a grouping of like entity's with descriptors and arrangements that are subordinate to the numbers that precede each one but also none of them can exist without the first one that is the basis at the lowest common denominator of all of the other ones.

An example would be the number 4 as one of the simplest examples using the number's 1, 2, 3, and itself 4 a permutation with no percentages or fractions...

1111 And Four partitions of twenty five percent as four quarters.
121 Three variations of quarter partitions and one half as fifty percent.
31 Two variations of three quarters as seventy five percent and one quarter as twenty five percent
22 Two Halves of fifty percent
4 One hundred percent 4

Now these seem very simple but then lets put in variables like say four colors like Red, White, Black, and Yellow...

And then Drop the variables into the permutations and you get so many more complex variations than what is described with definitions and integers.

The Human Genome is a funny thing because like say if at base there are basically four food groups Mongoloid, Caucasoid, Negroid and Asiatic than what would the relation of a person that was one hundred percent something be to someone that is like say one quarter of the four variations.

What is the pathological relationship to the creators that are creating and the actual function of the global system and also the hardware and the software if there is a chance of a group of fans making something with say left over technology from last generation and art math and science that no one has faith in as a social entity that is occupying consumerism and controlling definition artificially.

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