Thursday, January 30, 2014

Cheating F@ggots

Just kind of showing my kit and the possible configurations that I am comfortable with and also for some reason during a quick test of the Shadow-play on by PC I had to deal with sh!t head hackers not taking advantage of a glitch but from what I can tell a really foul group of Asian gamers that are local to the west-coast BF4, APB, and BLR all have a really large element that make real competitive gaming impossible because they do it for laughs or sh!ts and giggles...
At 14:19 1Malaysia in the bottom left portion of my FOV after I sight out, and you pay attention to the scroll of who killed who when and where with what, he appears or teleports without having any way of passing my field of view 14:29 and then some how comes into the defensive part of the siege map without the match start both teams glitch functioning as it is projected as a "glitch".

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