Friday, January 10, 2014

DIY or go to jail or become homeless...

Lots of software is coming out that allows you to take a lot of the work out of the actual process and we may be heading for a Zine or doujinshi like game development and modding market that the majors feed off of to keep their quarter market releases alive and less and less licensed software that has to do with a comic a movie or something weird like a movie based on a video-game turned back into a video-game based on a movie based on a video-game...

There is a lot of E-waste that you can get off the internet or from wholesalers and also E-bay and things like that and also the after effects of Barrack Obama's administration and also the extinction of the DIY Arts and Sciences Gods that created the liberal shell that is crumbling in America right now, most of the stuff that's happening is a reaction to the slack not being there and also no black market and a zero tolerance for illegal leisure sports activity's as well as no Doobies or Twinks or sharing or liberating the material wealth for the people and the workers...

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