Sunday, January 12, 2014

Playing with Nazi's...

It's not offensive to me but it is kind of pitiful because if you boost and play like a wet turd thrown into the wind, it's retarded...
I have one too for my "Dark Wood Elf" but it doesn't actually have "Hate-Group" symbols and most of the stuff is kind of the way they do it for BDSM costumes as close as you can get without it actually being the real thing, and gay white supremacists that are into Jesus are kind of retarded, so I take it with a grain of salt, because they are hypocritical to the point of being able to win most arguments by just not being them in relation to their internal conflictual and physical hypocrisy, Zionist Pro Black Separatist alternative lifestyle Zionist neo-nazi's, and the free to play games that they ruin...

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