Friday, January 10, 2014

Rage/Rage-Tool-Kit SDK

  This is Rage and Not to many people liked it because it is a Software freak of nature it eats it's own poo and it will yell at the top of its lungs about how "it likes Jesus and Hitler and that Hitler and Jesus had a pokemon baby and that is it's favorite holiday..."
Getting it to run on advanced expensive hardware is difficult getting it to run on last gen low to mid hardware is standard which is bizarre, running it on a AM2 an9 32X with a slow dual core and a trick SLI card that was single slot PCI-E that ran it perfect with no texture errors and also for some reason, when this game was released the DLC Beta thing that is ruining games was a more profitable food chain for the consumers and producers, pre-order gets you stuff that you can use in game to not have to play as good and also to make the other kids jealous as well as allow you to prey on them as part of the chestburster xenomorph thing in relation to the pesky colonists that moved to were you are and you totally have to maul them with your second mandible and masticate their grey matter so that the weaker ones will fall into line.
It looks like it could potentially be the best SDK that there is but there is no way for that to be known because no one has done anything with it and also there are no people working on anything at all with it...

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