Sunday, January 12, 2014

Berkeley City Government...

This is a person that I lived with that caused me to be evicted and from what I can tell the staff at the mental health clinic don't really care the cops don't care and in the system that the Berkeley gays have created there is nothing you can do, if something like that happens than you have to live with a person that is not paying rent that runs your bills up as well as not paying there part of the lease and then after that starts to do the same thing in the place that you live causing the exact same thing to happen, and that's basically what the town is now about negative identity projection and victimization of criminals and vilification of conservatives or established people.
The municipal is falling into derelict condition and the parks are no longer really more than empty lots with lots of wino's or gangs and the public education system produces basically mentally retarded gay criminals and racial stereotypes that can't live in a system that is neutral to those that try to live a productive life and or also have plans in life that do are not a criminal or sexual degenerate pathology of antisocial activity's that destroy the community and murder individual choice.
They cripple people just so that they have people for their master race or the top of the caste to lord over.

None of the shops in Berkeley compare to things you can buy online none of the produce in the stores is safe or healthy because of the amount of property tax and also the ways that shops and restaurants have to base everything around bad water and really high electricity and gas as well as low earnings because of the amount of homeless infesting the downtown and telegraph area.

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