Saturday, December 28, 2013

Euthanasia and serial killers...

Some people are sick and some country's are sick like how we have serial, Racial extremists with violent tendency's and things that are very unhealthy for you like the water and gluten free food, ecologists that are terrorists, weird contradictions in peoples statement of intent as a pretext for premeditated homicide of those that they view as a problem in creating their perfect world.
The other hilarious part is not only do they want to make life a living hell for people that are unlucky enough to be near them at the moment of metamorphic epiphany have to watch them become equals with god in the execution or attempt (most of the time just attempting...) of eliminating life liberty and the pursuit of happiness for others that honestly are just enjoying what is there for them or are kind of just accepting in the moment what is available for them to partake in for better or for worse.

What would the world be like if everything they wanted came to fruition and everyone that was a square was made to behave in the prescribed or punitive license given by our "betters" and in this "Brave New World" would we be allowed a way out if we could not function in a world of pure morality and responsible action, if we could not adapt or evolve and pay mother earth, Gays, Backs and Jews back for their designed short comings, would they let us take our own lives so that they could build the perfect alternative lifestyle, Urban, Zionist planet for their spiritual children, the plants the rocks and the tree's....

Probably not and we probably will have to kill them their children and rape their dogs in front of their phones just for good measure so that their inter-dimensional social network knows to not trifle with the money people that eat meet and rape corn with science and also kill Jewish people for killing people and making blacks be responsible for their own actions and also not letting gays molest our children with their dumb a55 breeding schedule that seems to be squarely aimed at, basically raping peoples kids by drugging them and then teaching them stupid sh!t that doesn't exist and to also repeat the dumb things that they are taught by their real parents, the men and women that tell them what's really up...

Euthanasia seems cool but how do we get it in a way that they can't interfere with how do we reach the point of zen mu final extinction and Nirvana all at the same time with out it ticking off the people that are trying to kill us for not being them, how, how do we do something like that.

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