Saturday, December 28, 2013

Dark Souls Grinding

 The way the game works is very non linear but with set variables for advancement, putting enemy's that are tougher and tougher and also leaving lots of mooks to main and basically build a big soul ball and there is humanity which makes you not look like beef jerky and you can kindle after that and you have to worship the stupid monkey elephant god that's not from America and then the bosses are tough but then there are also really tough enemy's that you kind of have to save your soul ball up for by going on grinding missions basically slaughtering mooks in speed runs and then spending all of the souls you have reaped on throwing weapons, bombs, magic items and leveling up your character.
Also Npc's can be murdered for souls and you can find them on completely hollowed fallen people robbing the dead, also there is some kind of multiplying thing going on but you can see the people before hand and they all look retarded so I don't do it...

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