Saturday, January 4, 2014

Gott dum kits...

The First Image is something from APB Reloaded and I experience it all the time, and it is pretty dumb but it is a progressive example of creative expression as well as one day having a gaming market that is better than the one that is currently there, the only thing that makes it questionable as a business practice is statement in service contract and eula, and a confliction with the federal mandates that limit minors from accessing and viewing adult imagery.
The argument on the game company's blog is that it is Rating M or PEGI 18 in Europe and
I have no idea if the asian country's that it is available in give a rats ass.

The game plays like sh!t and is the usual pay for win caste system that makes it so enjoyable for people that are fooled by the advertisment of free to play the things that they say you can do, are not there the guns are mentally retarded in execution and nothing is really there for people that do not actually want to piss off or intimidate or as a group, make others feel uncomfortable while playing the game.

Gays, Jews and Blacks kind of take advantage of the game and hackers will harass people in game, like say a gay Jew fucking with you because your colored, and if you get angry and call him or her a faggot (so often it fly's that it seems a hypocritical system based on Zionism and "pride" terrorism and also niggardly states of being...).

The game breaks down basically into unrealistic exchanges of fire that kind of escalate into a mad dash for mom or dads credit card or crooked exploitation of the games weapon ranking system and the ability to purchase or leases better weapons that give you a crippling handicap against your opponent, mental capacity and professional skill do not actually make you a good player, spending hundreds of dollars and conforming to a abusive social interaction with people that challenge the caste system, and if you play long enough you'll have to deal with large groups of mission saboteurs and from what I can tell a gay Criminal organization that has taken over the system and also limits people in relation to the color of their skin and also their sexual preference and gender identity.

I think tat outside of California the game probably plays better because they are not actually allowed to challenge the federal mandates that keep the internet a neutral service that a person or persons use for business and pleasure...

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