Sunday, January 12, 2014

Standard and Practices

So a progressive marketing or immersive production aspect of MMOrpg's is kind of gayness or material fascism or caste systems in game, but things like achieving enjoying the game or socializing with people like you is kind of frowned on usually by the gaytards that infest the games, the types of things that happen in game in MMO rpg's is kind of asinine and the way evolving your character is limited by the Gaylord's that socialize to take over a server is also pretty offensive, because overall they usually Nerf or alter aspects of the game that are an initial part of the advertised playing experience and then afterwards most of the stuff that makes a game fun is eroded by their toxic social order and you end up with a gay disco bar full of cheaters and slavers and very few people that actually interact in a way that is not a premeditated dysfunction of the concept of the game as it was originally projected to the neutral consumer audience.

Which kind of repels most people from the role-playing aspect of gaming in the bay-area, the gay-lords, sitting there and maybe as a noob asking them how to I get a good grind out of the available areas and how do I play competitively with no ends and where are good places to find magic potions or elements to create gear and...What you sodomized your lover and there are no potions and what that's awesome it was his first time, yes yes I am homophobic and children are here, what they are not a paying customer like you so they don't matter and of course I'll shut-up because I don't want your admin or mod friends to ban me...(Which has happened before to me multiple times for protesting or participating.)

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