Some of these things are all right for groups of people that have agreed to use them as an alternative to science and the theory and practice of scientific medicine and the fields of medicine that have come from thousands of years of research, the other thing is that if people are forced to abstain from medicines or surgery's or even something like altering the water supply and forcing people to live in a community that has lower standards based on the spiritual and esoteric nature of their political beliefs, that is negative and is something that would be considered slavery and also possibly physical violence if the people that are effected are harmed because of the way the new age or alternative cultists view the arts and the sciences in relation to the cults superstitions and also the way they engage each other in rituals of social and communal order, like say banning cigarettes in public places but allowing marijuana to be purchased and sold and possessed and to not respond as police officers if called because they internally as a community and a social order think that it is spiritually nurturing for people to consume it. Also some of the ways people like this interact with "normal" or "conservative" people or community's or social groups tend to be disruptive and immature, and this is part of the internal belief that they can transcend who they are and force people to not be themselves, dysfunctional behavior that would honestly be the basis for being found a danger to themselves and others and also possibly identified as being gravely disabled because of the pathological manner in which they actually become mused or incensed to an irrational state of mental illness that usually can only be cured by the individuals engaging in the ritual, by sating their internal and expressed rage or agitation, satiation comes usually from balancing the equation of life by punishing a person or damaging an established social function or institution or sometimes just the staff or people or workers that are there at that time and in that space that is closest to the passive aggressive mentally retarded psychopath.
I grew up in a heavily liberal part of California and honestly as a child I had to go without normal interactions with other children adolescents and later teenagers and young adults, because of the amount of dysfunctional social and communal "function" there is here, there are more communists than people that understand constitutional law there are more drug addicts under possibly the age of eighteen that ritually abuse drugs with their parents, people that have unsafe sexual attractions to minors of the same sex, unsafe types of body modification and no real standard of living for people that do not actually agree with them about what is wrong and what is right.
The latest generation of them are also completely fascist about the socialist and communist political philosophy in relation to most of the law abiding private citizens that adhere to federal mandates and also do not create an uncomfortable and harmful social and communal relation to the citizens in the community and the people that conduct business and own land or also own business' and the institutions that provide goods and services training and education.
The goal for their political movement would be a collapse of the state, city and county governments and then a challenge of the federal governments jurisdiction to officiate the laid law of written as a hierarchy of execution of right and standards and codes of regulation. They uphold their lack of law or consistent and sound function in relation to the federal government and the republican form or government as well as constitutional right's, civil right's and at the lowest level human right's.
Mob rule is also a part of their political and spiritual way of rule and most of us are subject to it in relation to our mental capacity and professional skills as well as the way we choose to use our body's or how we choose to spent our time in space as mortal organisms that were born in a line of organisms that come from a heterosexual sex cell exchange that proves that in phylum of relation that we may have evolved from lesser organisms and also that there was no real guidance in this coming to be it is part of the place and time that we exist in and also the empty space that our very small part of the universe and our solar system planet and then from continent to nation or country to state to city to street and address to ourselves occupying a time and space as what we are and from what was also as it is.
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