Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Games that I am looking forward to next year...

Looks awesome hopefully they get the whole MMO permadeath thing right and it makes a mockery of  DAY Z standalone and also because it will be moderated and a finished product it won't be a constantly changing racist frustration that makes you regret purchasing it...

DAY Z (standalone)

(This is irrelevant as a review it is emotional trauma expressed with poor grammar and bad punctuation)
The game is fun but there are things that make it irrelevant,
lack of story the fact that there is no real way to punish people for being crude and immature and there are aspect's of gaming that make the game terrible.
1.Hacking is horrible and common.
2.Neo Nazism is rampant and you may find yourself getting hunted by large groups of racist immature and crude sub-humans...
3. There is no point to it because there is no story, there are many features that are incomplete or broken and also racists mentally retarded racists and gay hackers, all of the hackers are gay and...
4.It is more addictive that concentrated crack cocaine...
5.Some of us will either be really old or dead by the time it comes out as a non alpha or beta...

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes

looks awesome I really didn't get into any of the side projects from the cannon I have played Metal gear one and all of the games on Sony consoles I have no idea what peace-walker was but I think it fills the large hole in the story's and explains the characters relation's the time-span for the games is the late sixty's until the early 21st century and the latest two are post Korean war alongside the Vietnam war and into the consumer espionage war that was the cold war in the 80's...

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

The second part of the 5th game as a sequel to one of the prequels I think is going to be the main one and the one that allows the main creator to erase or re-work the first Sony console game and then iron out the paradox and plot holes from the second game and the 4th game which could actually be last game in the cannon...

Battlefield Hardline
If you have ever played Battlefield 4 or 3 than you understand why this one is going to be awesome.
It deviates from the contemporary battlefield setting in that it is about the police going against a large criminal syndicate with racial supremacy ideology as its aims and goals and means, one side is the cops and the other side is racist revisionist extremists (Libertarian/anarchist/redemption movement straw-man theorists...)
The Beta I played was pretty fun the pace of the battles is changed because there are no tanks and no jet-fighters leveling up was also a lot different because it has to do with earned points/money not requirements for the gear gadgets and weapon add-ons.
The roles were simplified so there is a melding of some of the classes and the gadgets are no where near as plentiful...
The story mode is also supposed to be better the people that worked on the Dead-space series are behind the story so it may be more emotionally mature and the characters may have a more believable pathology as criminals and police involved in a struggle to investigate crimes enforce the law and survive as criminals outside of conventional consumerism with an aim and goals to overthrow the government and place themselves above the placid masses as revolutionary's...

Tekken 7

Hopefully this makes the PC market and also hopefully they balance the game-play and make it more conservative in relation to the last three.
I like the series I think it peaked around 5 on PS2 and it has been getting more and more gimmicky and less refined.
After the fifth installment it became a bastard child of VF and DOA and made the to many superficial additions to the game-play, mainly the juggles and overpowered characters that are not only overpowered but silly as hell.(But that is kind of what makes Tekken Tekken the lack of seriousness and the fighting game pastiche/Caricature that it started out as...four and five were the games that made it seem solid and that there was a better combat system on the sanity of the way the matches were played out in relation to the way the system works without an understanding of martial arts in general.)

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