Tuesday, November 11, 2014


Played through COD AW and enjoyed it.
It does not compare to or is relative to the mistakes that are Black Ops 2 or COD Ghosts...
Ghosts is a white-trash meth fantasy and Black Ops 2  is a feral Homosexual disease that lives in a dog house behind a gay bar...
COD AW is hilarious because of the contradiction that it is in relation to statements made about the way the games were made and the subject manner (no science fiction weapons and no jetpacks or laser guns so on and so forth...).
Once you get past the battle frames and the science fiction fantasy setting it gets really good the graphical presentation is insane even on a medium powered or modest pc it is still impressive.

Basically the premise of the game is that there is no more war between superpowers it is mainly ideology and the "haves and the have nots" are in a struggle for consumer relevance and within the military industrial complex the pathology of humanity is exploited in a clandestine war created to cleanse the earth of the glut of unnecessary people that make consumerism and fidelity of the military industrial complex more than what it is supposed to be.

I am not really going to ruin the plot because it is really the star of the show, didn't get into the online aspect of the latest COD because I kind of prefer the Battlefield side of the fps online market to the two to three hundred dollars worth of stuff you must buy to enjoy a modern COD game (example given in image below.)
 That's a lot of money for some extra player models and funny colored guns...

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