The horrible evolution of these kind of games is that the merchandise is more important than the actual game or gameplay so the female characters and the cool anti-hero edgy characters like "evil" Ryu and Cammy (being female, not demonically possessed and internally motivated by a good soul...) If the next one is not more mature in the way matches play out or balanced in relation to the characters actually being relative in that they all are part of the same fighting system than I may give it up so that people that like the toys and comics can have fun, because it is kind of a repetitive ritual
of taking turns or "moral" buffs and nerfs that make the initial game pre-patch a regretful purchase.
Tekken 7 looks good if they tone down the female characters and the joke characters if SF V is more of what you just saw me do than the game is going to basically be a social interaction hub for kids and adults that like the toys and comics and residual media and merchandise.

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