Monday, June 16, 2014

Battlefield Hardline Beta now with awesome a55 racism DUDE!!!

Which basically makes you want to not play games and go kiteflying on heroin or something like that... But there is the actual game itself which is pretty good despite the average player being some kind of mental retard homosexual drug addict racist meme mutant that never leaves his moms basement...
Bf4 is kind of stale, this GT-V and the Division are the only thing worth looking forward, the gameplay is pretty good the map is really good and unlike BF4 ULTRA is possible on a system like mine with no slowdown or hiccups at all at 40 to 60 fps...
Here is a quick sample...
which makes up for the racism and mental retard behavior...
I used handbrake to reduce the quality because a shadow-play 20min file is 3.8Gb

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