Been having tons of fun with Payday 2 and I got from steam for a pretty good amount it was on discount and I got it recently and Batman Origins so I will do one for Batman Origins after I have played it enough to make a determination as to whether or not it is worthy beyond the brand and also if the canon is respected or if it is just another thing with batman on it...
Payday 2 is better than most fps games that have multi-player aspects or modes because of the way that it is balanced, there is no PvP and there is no real way to fail at making a character or how you play, it's all objective based missions with different types of outcomes based on the way you as team go at the objective given.

There are Bank Robbery's Protection rackets and deflection of lose, sabotage of FBI database records, all of this you have to do with one main weapon and one sidearm with two or three specialized pieces of equipment that you as a Player Character can choose after you have earned them as well as mission specific objective based gear that any one can use to achieve your goal.
There are four main branches of Character "Class" that have skill sets and they come in two types bought and then aced you spend one point to purchase or learn a skill and then you spend three to get it to ace and then I think there are mods and bonuses that let you take an aced skill to a tier level that makes it even more of an advantage.
Picking your heists is easy and quick with the GUI |
You start the game with no real money one point and one skill that comes from the base level of one of the Class' and you earn money from completing goals and performing well within the mission until it's execution is complete, pulling a stealth mission gives you a massive bonus that allows you a relaxed environment to loot and pillage and no police or FBI or rival criminals to oppose you in reaching your projected goals completion, if you mess up or go "hot"
than you have to plan the heist or sabotage in a way that allows you to resist and retard "termination" or apprehension into custody by the authority's.
There are several types of police and about three or four different types of criminals and also civilians and security guards, frighten civilians

and then call the cops do something that is suspicious or threatening to a or at or near a security guard and they call the cops, mess with criminals on their turf and they start shooting at you and then the cops come in.The cops respond lightly and then more and more heavily until you reach a point were its hopeless and you have swat, FBI, ATF an then finally solid snake shows up and ninja kick and assassinates you.
I would say that the game is about as fun as Left For Dead 1 & 2, because there is no real stress from PvP it's all Teamwork, and that's what makes it so awesome is the fact that you have to actually want to succeed and that you as an individual cannot succeed unless you are very skilled and your
character is very well equipped.

The only game that compares is APB Reloaded and that is only in the subject matter the game-play in Payday 2 is superior the only downside is the Avatar and also no Female Character Models and there are three white guys and one black guy to choose from with a bunch of stupid masks and some minor aesthetic flaws in the graphics engine like reflections in puddles that are not relative to the environment and also minor clipping errors, other than that tho' the graphics and the use of modern tessellation and physx and the way they present everything in a way that keeps it from being to ambitious.
If there is a three all I could hope for is darker somewhat sandbox and the inclusion of a character creation avatar editing function and some kind of single player grind that makes the heists more rewarding...
If I was to rate it on a scale of one to ten I would give it a fan-boy ten and an adult eight for lack of avatar creation and also shallow repetitive missions types (basically after you've played through all of the mission types than you have to take on harder versions to gain skill points which are earned as a percentage and a fraction of a vector, which leads to playing with really conservative pro's or mental retard noobs...).
APB Reloaded has a heavy character modification system but it is superficial and the gear does nothing for your character and the weapon exchanges (Taser vs SAW 5.56)Taser wins every time)at range even) I pray to god that the people that make payday get picked up by a major and are allowed to develop a MMO or even a story driven one like GTA with sandbox and character progression, because all there is is GTAV(Mental Retards), APB Reloaded (Gay Prank on people that want there to be some thing beter than GTA) and PayDay2 (which is like STALKER is to all other FPS)...
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