Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Mental Retardate

Grand Theft Auto V(Five)Sarcasm in punctuation and grammar): Anal sex with five year olds on heroin for millions of dollars a day.

PCP is the only way you could enjoy this game to it's maximum potential, eventually you will have to either sleep sh!t or piss which will ruin it
There are parts that you can play alone also but I think they really did not have that in mind at all, there are five other ones that came before this one and that was before smartphones and dragon dildo's...


APB Reloaded: Life with out genitals

 In ancient civilizations, the removal of the human penis was sometimes used to demonstrate superiority or dominance over an enemy. Armies were sometimes known to sever the penises of their enemies to count the dead, as well as for trophies. The practice of castration (removal of the testicles) sometimes involved the removal of all or part of the penis, generally with a tube inserted to keep the urethra open for urination. Castration has been used to create a class of servants or slaves called eunuchs in many different places and eras.

Be patient. They are facing barriers beyond your comprehension, and that can make conversation difficult. Never yell at a disabled person, or blame them for their disability.
  • If you find yourself feeling frustrated, disengage. Go for a walk, do something else, or say "I need some alone time for a little while."

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