Friday, July 18, 2014

I could be going to hell for eternity but I enjoyed how I got there...

It's a visual Hentai novel that is aimed people that enjoy fantasy Lolita settings, and the reason that I say fantasy is because sexual intercourse with a minor is a federal offense on par with murder in some states or rape even if it consensual.
The game is basically a choose your own adventure novel and the original was German which was difficult to understand because of the German vernacular that was American in root.Like Gaylord was something along the line of prince of homosexuals.there is a lot of German culture in there and most of it is lampoons or pastiche of other products services people and media.
Arts really good and the way it plays out is more articulated then say pornography that is just intended to be bought and used as a masturbation aid it's more of a stab in your eye for being a sick bastard for liking lolicon hentai and also the German political environment and also the German social interactions that lead to pedophilia being acceptable in some circumstances based heritage culture and geography in relation to the two previously mentioned factors.

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