Saturday, May 10, 2014

Colonel Norris

Gamer skill: ★★★★★
Teamwork: ★★★★☆
Growth Potential: ★☆☆☆☆
Entertainment Value: ★★★☆☆
Pack Mentality: ★★☆☆☆
Manners/Social Aptitude: ★★★★☆
Description: In real life, they are usually a long-playing gamer or an FPS addict, but their superior combat skills, honed by bitter experiences on countless battlefields is beyond description.
Their appearance as an ally in a tight situation will quickly turn a losing game to a miraculous victory. As an enemy, many of their foes have testified to hearing strange music in their ears when an Ace steps upon the battlefield.
They can often make quick work of whole hunting parties and ambushes set against them.
Some will work together with long-standing allies. Others wander from server to server as they please. There are varying types, so it is wise to keep this fact in mind when allying with one.
They tend to be good with manners and do not swear very much (as most FPS players should). Perhaps it's their strength that makes them speak little and have a general dislike of bossy players.
Seeing them in action, a novice will have no idea what's going on, but their tactical understanding and execution borders on God-like so watch closely and learn what you can from them.
In Combat: It is a Monster. It feeds on the blood of humans. It can be a powerful ally, but as an adversary, the voice chat will quickly devolve into cries of outrage and despair. Learn to depend on the psych-healing white magic spells, "Pinger" and "Lag-be-gone" while you observe and study the movements of this creature. You won't regret it.
Ace's can execute any command far more adeptly than the average player, but their situational understanding ability is such that it's often better to simply let them do their own thing. Sometimes, if you are willing to take on the undesirable roles of healing, support, scouting, and decoy, they can evolve from a Monster to a God.

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