Thursday, February 20, 2014

FPS heaven

I started playing Battlefield 4, COD Ghosts, and have been playing Black-light retribution and am looking forward to Titan-fall I also just purchased ARMA III for my PC as well.
I like COD because of the story and basically how dramatic and bizarre the missions are in relation to how dry training and special forces are in real life, also how many times you could be mortally wounded in relation to the end of the level...
Call Of Duty is probably the least realistic in terms of guns and it has no real use of vehicles and the levels that are included are just there for shits and giggles, Battlefield is mentally retarded and looks better than COD Ghosts but the online play is more what people buy Battlefield games for, Ghosts has better kit use and the battles are structured so that "Stacking" covering fire and suppression as well as flanking all lead to a faster level completion and less hits taken from the enemy as the player multiplayer for COD Ghosts is mired or mucked by aim-bots and glitches and is not as good as something as Black Light retribution because you have complete control of your avatar and their gear and there are no perks or bonuses beyond what you buy, COD Ghosts has a Nerf and Buff culture that kind of makes the game irrelevant because of what happens when new people get into it and start destroying the people that are occupying the game socially...
Battlefield has vehicles and can go down to a smaller scale of combat like COD Ghosts but it then turns into grenades, and rocket launchers on side of a hall or breach point with a bunch of people being compressed into a bait/kill ball (Spawn raping) the vehicles also do not actually behave like they should in real life and are set up so that key board weirdos have an advantage in relation to how uncontrollable they are on a game-pad the planes in Battlefield have gravity and inertia retarding ability's that make for exploits and glitches that make combat more about how players use the glitches and exploits in relation to people that do not know about them or cannot get around them.
Titan Fall is so much fun that it cannot be compared to any of the others mentioned above because of the intention of the people that made it and also it is 100% about how you use what is available to you in relation to what the objective is and unless you are competing for a top spot on the after match board then you can have fun doing what you want during the match and not get massacred by run and gun junkies...
Titan-fall makes a game out of doing the opposite of what all of the target audiences of most of the other games excluding Black-light retribution, which sticks it's little toe into the Mech science fiction thing but kind of looks back at the place that it is from and bitches out Black Light does have a Zombie slaughter mode and that is one of a few breaks from the Run and Gun style of Game play that most of the others have.

ARMA is not like the others and has no real story or cinematic elements but is all presentation and detail and also it comes with tools that allow you to make your own story-lines missions maps character models and so on and so forth so it could actually be the best one on here but I just bought it and I have no time to do that because of the war on, they got his war on and it takes up all my "gud dangged" time.

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