Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Bad experience todey with da games taking da kids coins an’ no way working at times, an’ da ticket munchers either would stop working or wasn’t counting all da tickets that da niggas put in. We asked da ppl ta fix da thang a couple o’ times, one fixed da thang, da next time da nigga asked another ta fix da thang an’ da nigga never did! Then da ppl that take ya’lls receipts an’ get da kids wa’tch da niggas want waz extremely rude todey. (I understand that da thang iz crazy at times with all da kids in line but still da niggas should be more cordial in mah opinion) Plus, meh thought a couple o’ mothers there waz goin’ ta throwdown right in front o’ all da kids there in line!! meh haz b’in ta this restaurant before an’ no way waz havin’ these problems but da thang wasn’t da weekend.

In these times no way really used if’in somebody iz really a homosexual mostly used insteap o’ calling somebody stupid or a loser.
Ralph: Chris hasn’t b’in answering hiz phone.
John: Yeah, da nigga iz probably hanging out with those other kids thats why.
Ralph: da nigga iz such a faggot.

I have made a Battlestation Network

 Battle Station v.1 I had a Pentium 4 that my step dad had gave me when he and my mother moved to Las Vegas and I bought parts for it to make it better and I learned about PC's from the first one I upgraded.

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The Second Battle station has been a work in progress and now I have two MSI socket 775 systems that run in conjunction with on another and are part of a limited Network that allows me to send from one to the other through either Wi-fi Ethernet through the Router or through USB Easy-suite.
 I play all of the major online games I reviewed some of them on this blog and some I buy through steam or origin and some I get from the black market on the moon or sometimes used at swap meets flea markets or abandon-ware emulation...
 I'm thinking about selling both of them because of the insane amount of hatred you get thrown at you in California because gay people should not have kids or guide them into sh!t like is seen above...
This one made it all better...
I will do a review of XCOM next and also Batman Ark-ham Origins and...
DAY-Z Standalone, all of the games I have on steam and also some retro stuff from when I was younger NES, tabletop, I may even do some comic nostalgia and movie nostalgia stuff also...

Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Best meal I've had in a while one chicken breast breaded (with country gravy with sausage links maimed into bits and thrown into it...)and fried and a side of oven baked fries with a liberal amount of salt.
More game reviews and some other sh!t coming soon...

Monday, June 16, 2014

Battlefield Hardline Beta now with awesome a55 racism DUDE!!!

Which basically makes you want to not play games and go kiteflying on heroin or something like that... But there is the actual game itself which is pretty good despite the average player being some kind of mental retard homosexual drug addict racist meme mutant that never leaves his moms basement...
Bf4 is kind of stale, this GT-V and the Division are the only thing worth looking forward, the gameplay is pretty good the map is really good and unlike BF4 ULTRA is possible on a system like mine with no slowdown or hiccups at all at 40 to 60 fps...
Here is a quick sample...
which makes up for the racism and mental retard behavior...
I used handbrake to reduce the quality because a shadow-play 20min file is 3.8Gb